• Art Galleries
  • Silber Art Gallery
  • Contact
  • Silber Art Gallery - Contact Us


    Liz Faust
    Exhibitions Coordinator
    Goucher College Art Galleries
    Athenaeum 202

    Or for general inquiries, please contact art.galleries@sxtcyb.com.

    The gallery will be closed during Goucher's Spring Break, March 15 - 23, 2025, and is closed during academic recesses, and all major holidays.

    For Artists & Curators

    Submission Guidelines

    Artists' work and exhibition proposals from curators are reviewed on an ongoing basis. Compelling, visionary work in all media, as well as interdisciplinary collaborations and installations, will be considered. While preference is given to Baltimore, DC-area, and artists within a 100-mile radius of our galleries, we welcome submissions from all geographic regions. Due to limited transportation funds, artists from outside the Mid-Atlantic region must be prepared to secure outside funding and/or arrange for the shipping of their work. If interested in submitting your work for consideration, email a pdf that includes your project proposal, 1-page statement, 10-20 work images, and a CV/resume to liz.faust@sxtcyb.com. If you have any questions that are not addressed here, please contact art.galleries@sxtcyb.com.

    Mailing List Instructions

    To receive announcements of gallery exhibitions and special events, email art.galleries@sxtcyb.com with the subject line "Goucher Art Galleries mailing list" and your name. Please also indicate if you belong to one of the following categories: artist, curator, critic, educator, patron, arts administrator, nonprofit or commercial gallery.